Monday, August 30, 2010

hi.I love sport,the sport events i take part in is Rugby(my best),cricket,swimming,basket ball and athletics.I live in Petermaritzburg and i come from a wonderful school called Pelham it is a very good school and it has four rules in it(the four seas)commitment,control,curtisy,consideration.I shall always obied  with thoes four rules.I like sport because it has allot of action in it and you learn more,you pick up skills and you improve by getting better and stronger.
i started playing rugby at the beginning of the year and i have improved so quickly becaues i enjoyed it,i listen to the coach and made sure that what the coach said,i could understand and learn,now i am in the U12's witch is the 3rd's because i listened and i tried my best and i was commited.people out ther if you do sport that you love,be commited in your sport and trie your best!     

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